

Teething time can be stressful for parents and babies alike. Find out how best to handle that beautiful set of teeth that are coming in from a trusted source.

Getting kids to brush their teeth has been a struggle as old as dentistry. We have some proven tips and suggestions to help your kids develop good habits.

We Have More Than 20 Years of Experience



PD Dr. Christine Berthold, has been treating teeth for as long as she has been practicing dentistry, research and development, scientific study, and lecturing on Dental Traumatology. However unlike other long-standing practices, PD Dr. Christine Berthold, is a world leading researcher & scientist who has focused intensively on the latest technological advancements in the field and the latest research (an easy task since it's been PD Dr. Christine Berthold life's work). No matter if you're new to town or you want you or your children to see the same endodontist you did, The Regina ADO Endodontic clinic is a warm, welcoming place for you and your young ones.

We know there's nothing in the world that gives any individual or parents more joy than seeing a warm smile spread across their children's faces.
We want your kids to have everything in the world to smile about - unabashed, confident, and beautiful


Flossing is hard, even for adults. But developing the practice in children isn't as hard as you think and sets them on the road for positive oral health.

It all starts when your baby's first teeth start coming on. Do you need to brush? Obviously you can't floss it yet. Get the answers you need.

Helping You Stay Healthy!

Helping You and Your Kids Stay Healthy!